$200.00 AUD

Survival Hacks for Teachers* is just $25 - do you wanna add that to your cart as well? 

It’s loaded with 15 HACKS to help you stay alive this term. Absolutely no self-care nonsense - this eBook is hard-core, survival-of-the-fittest for teachers who want to go home early. 

*Weapons sold separately.

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Chat with Gabbie

Have a chat with Gabbie about whatever's on your mind.

Gabbie's better than talking to a friend because you don't have to reciprocate and listen to all her problems! She's better than talking to a colleague because there's no danger she's going to blab everything you said to all the staff. And she's better than talking to a spouse because you don't have to live together!

Gabbie gets it!

So take the time to talk through whatever's on your mind:

Staying in teaching

Leaving teaching

The overwhelm

The underwhelm

Or, for parents:

Managing your child's behaviour

Supporting your child at school

Gabbie's here to listen with support, advice, ideas and suggestions. No judgement though. She doesn't offer that!