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Survival Hacks for Teachers eBook

SURVIVAL HACKS FOR TEACHERS is an eBook totally devoted to helping teachers HACK their way through the school term (or year).

It’s a practical guide that will help you slash through the tasks like an explorer blasting through the jungle with a machete. And no - I’m not going to apologise for that appalling imagery because that’s what teaching feels like these days.

We’re all just trying to stay alive while the jungle closes in around us. If you stand still too long you can hear the animals baying for your blood. There’s no signal. There’s no map. Supplies are running low.

We need to hack our way through this nightmare - right through to the bitter end.

Who’s with me?

Get your machete. Let’s go!


PS. Survival Hacks for Teachers includes 15 practical, actionable tasks that you can do (or plan to do) IMMEDIATELY. It’s loaded with ideas to make your classroom workload more manageable, free up your time and alleviate crappy feelings.